MARESIA, the woman with the fragrance of the sea.
With hair wavy to the rhythm of the wind, she has a salty body and a sweet soul.
In the sentinel posture, her gaze is projected into infinity, like two headlights illuminating her hope. Maresia dreams towards the horizon…
Her instinct is agile, it's a force of nature that doesn't ask for permission to exist.
In the waves of the sea, her sorrows are shipwrecked and in the deep waters, she soothes her soul.
Maresia is robust and wild when her waters churn. Real storms erupt at sea with the same intensity as the strength of the Atlantic. But Maresia is light and soft when blown softly, like a spring breeze, serene and mild from the shores of the Mediterranean.
Maresia is also like that… air that can be felt and not seen, but capable of transforming everything around her

“Maresia”, 2021 Grés cerâmico

Colorido com engobe

Vidrado transparente brilhante

Altura 35 cm

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